Laser clay pigeon shooting is totally unique. By using the outdoor system, we provide a modern twist to a traditional sport. Using a modified shotgun, and of course laser clays, any ages can shoot and score. There’s also no mess from the clays and no nasty bruises from a shotgun kickback! All we require is an outdoor space of 50m x 20m, meaning no landscape is out of bounds.

How it works

Each player stands on their numbered mat, holds their shotgun and listens out for “PULL”. Once the clay is fired, competitors can take two shots. The scoreboard will display a cross if the clay was hit or a dash if it was missed, and overall running scores will follow. It is very similar to original clay pigeon shooting, except you’re not left with tonnes of mess.

This outdoor system is a great way to bring everyone together and there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of healthy competition.

This system is designed to be used outdoors, but fear not, if it rains, we are weather prepared with two gazebos. We also have luminous clays to be used during low light and night shoots. If you would prefer, we could revert to using the indoor system.

Feel free to contact us if you would like any more information.

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A big Thankyou to Steve and his team at Laser Clays entertainment. They provided a really professional fun clay shoot session for me and my family at home, this was perfect for us to have it at our convenience, it took out all the fuss of having to get to a venue. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it and the light hearted introduction of competition really suited the personalities(girls and boys) Also liked the fact that it was concise so lasted about hour (not Inc setting up etc) so really fitted easily with our plans..... Highly recommend it. Liz and Colin.

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