Are micro weddings here to stay?

Have you heard of a micro wedding? Is it an idea you like? Or is it just a fad?

We all know that planning a wedding can be stressful, well in fact any event can be stressful to plan! There are just so many people to consider, all of which have different opinions and tastes. Sometimes when planning a wedding, it’s seems much easier to just have your immediate family and friends surrounding you so that you don’t have to worry about numerous guests. This idea has been around for decades, hence why many couples decide they want to elope! After all, it’s far less stressful than planning a wedding for 100+ guests.

Well, because of COVID-19 and the 2020 pandemic, one trend that has emerged is micro weddings, which is essentially a wedding with less than 20 people. Of course, this has happened because of social distancing rules and safety aspects but what if this trend is here to stay?

So why are micro weddings so popular?

Well, first of all, they’re far more affordable compared to a wedding with dozens of guests. The average wedding cost in 2019 was £31,974 but with a micro wedding, that overall cost can be more than halved! Less food is needed, smaller spaces are needed and less setting up is needed too, creating a much more affordable event. Plus, event entertainment, like ourselves, can be much more fun as everyone is likely to get involved. With fewer heads, a couple can design a more intimate wedding too, getting to celebrate with every wedding guests and cherishing intimate moments.

Of course, there are some reasons couples may be longing for a bigger wedding and one of the main reasons being, family’s and friendship groups can often be rather large! As well as numerous friendship groups, there are parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, you get the gist… Needless to say, there are some couples who need a big wedding if they want to share it with everyone they love.

We quite like the idea of a more intimate weddings and we are more than happy to provide the laser clay pigeon shooting!

Let us know what you think. Would you prefer a smaller wedding or something extravagant for all to see?

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Are micro weddings here to stay?
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